Latest Hair Loss Treatments
hello all This is the hair care blog today we are going to
talk about the latest hair treatment especially with the festive season coming
up the.
First one platelet-rich plasma therapy or as we call it PRP
what does it mean it means we take your person's own blood and your blood contains
two things RBC's that's red blood cells and plasma a new plasma has platelets
so the property of a platelet is it contains growth factors which help to
stimulate your hair follicles when we put it in your hair and thereby giving you
growth and it's a perfectly safe and natural treatment because we are using your
own blood to do the treatment the results take anywhere between four to six
months to come in and they are generally maintained even up to a year or longer
depending on your life style.
Second scalp micro pigmentation or as it called as SMP the
SMP is used in places where your PRP doesn't work the hair loss treatments like
hair transplant doesn't work and you don't like to use awig in your regular
life so what does an SMP do in SMP we implant pigments in your scalp in a
manner that it gives you a three-dimensional effect of hair and that's why it
looks pretty natural and you can move around with it. it generally is a series of two to three sessions
where in the first session your pigment hair line is built up and gradually the
colors are filled in the next subsequent sessions and the results tape very natural
there are patients who have not come back for more than four or five years now
so it's a good maintenance hair treatment which gives you the impression or the
illusion of faith without doing any treatments and again perfectly safe only
thing you remember is that it needs specialized techniques and specialized
equipment and you need to go to the right person who knows how to do an SMP
very well tower treatment hair helmet and in fusion treatment so this is again
of a very popular treatment.
It is non-surgical painless and what does it involve we use
a hair element which is made up of either light therapy or diode laser and how
does this work it helps to stimulate your hair circulation and thereby you have
some big hairline therein your scalp it helps to stimulate the mout side and
that's how you hair regrowth improves over a period of time again with this we
also blow infusion of essential vitamins and nutrients in your scalp through
our equipment which is very specialized when you combine these two treatments
and do it order series of six to eight sessions we within three months you
really see that the hair loss definitely is in control but you also start
seeing you Harry do this gradually improving and it maintains till the time again
your lifestyle is good so this is these three other latest treatments that are
non-surgical practically painless and you can expect great results getting you
ready for the festive season next week.
Whan hair follicle unit extraction treatment so basically
this is a new variation in your hair transplant treatment in previous years it
was called as pellicular follicle unit strip treatment where in the follicle strip
entirely from the back of the scalp was taken and then the follicles we reextracted
out from that the downside of this treatment was there was a big line at the
back of the scalp like a scar and people really didn't like it so now the latest
is the hair follicle unit extraction treatment in hair transplant where in each
follicle from a back of a scalp is taken now this is a very microcar and it's
not visible and then those hair which I extracted out are implanted according
to your hair life needed by your surgeon or your doctor doing the head
transplant so this is a more natural treatment it's also known as a no root
touch and no paid treatment or no scar treatment
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